"Build one room at a time."
The first tip I would like to start with is building a house. I'm not sure how many people do it but I have seen how many do build it. First they put up all the walls and then they try to fill the house after. I did that myself often. I don't remember who it was that day, but I was showing someone around and he noticed my house was practically bare. He asked me if I put up the walls first before I tried to decorate it and of course, I said yes. He shook his head and said, "tsk tsk tsk.. Gemmy Gemmy Gemmy, What am I going to do with you? One of the secrets to building a home is to conquer one room at a time. That way it flares your creativity when you're only concentrating on one room." As much as it burns my tongue to say this, he was right. :P