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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
 Writer's Block on LJ: ohrwurm (Permalink)
Topic: Videos
German has a word for everything, like ohrwurm. Translated literally as "earworm" in English, it's the word for songs that get stuck in your head and won't go away. What earworm of a song do you most dread burrowing into your head? (View Answers)

I like this question on LJ today. I'm gonna use this as an excuse to post another YouTube video... Let's see if I can post it without screwing this entry up! hehe.

I hate the singer's voice but the lyrics are catchy.

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
 Reincarnation (Permalink)
Topic: Miscellaneous
You know, this topic interests me a lot... I sometimes tinker around with the idea wondering what previous lives I lived if such a thing is true. Is it just endlessly reincarnating or is there some higher purpose such as learning lessons and then trascending to a higher place once you've learned everything here...

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, November 24, 2008
 Trying to remember a book... (Permalink)
Topic: Story
I remember reading a story where it was about this kid who had to only take one item with her. They were all getting in a spaceship and had to leave Earth. I think the Earth was about to explode so they all had to leave. The only thing I can remember about where they landed was that the grass was so tough that it cut through their shoes. I can't find it on Google either...

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, November 23, 2008
 Random memories... (Permalink)
I saw a picture recently of this red station wagon from my childhood. Before the old days when everyone had to be buckled in, I remember the backseat would be taken out and it would let my siblings and I just lay around and color or play games on long road trips. That was fun awesome times.

Of course, it led to the endless rants from my father because we always left our crayons in the back... You can imagine how fun it is to see the crayons melted into the mats. I remember being at July 4th fireworks and at nights, when we're heading home, my sister and I would lay in a certain position where we can see the moon through the side window and wonder how it could easily follow us anywhere...

It was sad that the station wagon was sold off. Trips were no longer fun when you're forced to sit up and be buckled in. *smirks*

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Saturday, November 22, 2008
 Perhaps a Haiku; To try to Enlighten you; In my own fun way. (Permalink)
Topic: Miscellaneous
It froze overnight,
It dropped to twenty seven.
Heater was turned on.

The weekend is here.
I plan to watch some movies.
Hope I enjoy them.

I dread Monday though.
It may be a day of pain
With a lot of blood.

I'll spare the details
but just saying I may not
post all days of month.

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Friday, November 21, 2008
 Another prompt. (Permalink)
Topic: Miscellaneous
Imagination Prompt Generator:
Name three people you last e-mailed, and why.

1. A stranger - For genealogy information.
2. A friend - For game information.
3. A friend - For movie information.

Pretty vague but nothing interesting about any of it.

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Thursday, November 20, 2008
 The Imagination Prompt Generator (Permalink)
Topic: Miscellaneous
Imagination Prompt Generator:
Name three things you are grateful for.

1. Despite living on various military bases, I am thankful that my childhood was pretty much stable. My parents never had any nasty arguments or anything like that. I feel that I am extremely lucky in this area.

2. My closest friend. Even though I have found some old friends through the net, I found that we've changed way too much and I haven't kept in contact with a single one after finding them! My closest friend knows a lot about me that no one else does and I just don't see this friendship ending in any possible way except 'drifting apart' but we chat way too much for that to happen.

3. And of course, the obligatory food mentioning. French Fries. Whoever was the very first person to stare at a potato and said, "They should be cut into little sticks. I bet they'd taste good with some ketchup!" deserves a big gift basket.

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
 Writing Prompt (Permalink)
Topic: Miscellaneous
A Writing Prompt from Writer's Digest:
Forrest Gump once said, "Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get." What is writing like? Write a simile that starts with the phrase, "Writing is like ... ."

Writing is like having a thousand muses as friends. They're either telling you tons of story ideas at once and nothing fits or they're too busy arguing amongst themselves leaving you staring at a blank page...

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
 He was my best friend but... (Permalink)
Topic: Miscellaneous
"Write about a situation where your best friend was dishonest or outright lied to you. Did it change your friendship?"

Oo, I like this topic here. If I roll my mind allll the way back to childhood, I had a best friend while living at this one place. We were the closest of friends when compared to anyone else. I thought he would never lie to me or anything. While he was looking through my baseball card collection, I told him that he could help himself to any duplicates he finds. I was playing a video game while he was looking through my cards.

Later, I found out through a friend that he had come through, boasting about taking all of my best cards. I confronted him and he didn't deny it! What made it even worse was that he refused to give the cards back. Needless to say, I no longer trusted him even though he acted like we were still friends. It wasn't long after that I had a different best friend.

Ha! Kids. image

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, November 17, 2008
 What is your favorite kind of weather? Why? (Permalink)
These kind of days usually happen on Saturday as if on cue. It's a grey day. The entire sky is just one hue of grey. No rain and no mugginess. It's very cool if not cold and there's a constant slow breeze.

This is my favorite kind of weather on any day. I don't know why I like it. It usually reminds me of yardsales when my parents used to head out every weekend.

Posted by Blue Green Gem at 12:01 AM EST
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